New Beginnings…
Like most people I know who have lived a few decades, or more, my life has always been marked by great change, tidal shifts and new beginnings, and as student of yoga, which is a path of constant refinement, I would be in trouble if I couldn’t swim in these waters with relative comfort. However that doesn’t mean that change is easy or that I don’t at times feel fear, discomfort, sadness, or confusion....

Purnatva & Shunyata: The Dance Between Fullness & Emptiness
When I can allow myself to simply be in the quiet moments of my life, the silent pause between one activity and the next, one breath and the next, then I am provided the nourishment, and often the inspiration, for the next cycle of fullness. It is a beautiful dance....

Living a Life of Practice
Most of us crave cycles of growth and renewal in our lives, as we all want to feel the newness of discovery and expansion in our relationships, in our careers, and in our spiritual practice. But we often forget that before growth there must be a period of birth, and before birthing there is a period of change, death or release. It is in these aspects of the pulsation that we often become stuck, because death or letting go is painful, and birth requires effort and a willingness to push into the unknown....

Holy Nights
In the Christian traditions the period of time between Dec 24th and January 6th is known as the Holy Nights or the 12 Days of Christmas and is honored as a sacred time. For myself I feel that my own Holy Nights begin on the Winter Solstice and run right through to the Feast of Epiphany on January 6th....

Solstice Musings On Ritual And The Meaning of 108
Every year for the last seven years I have celebrated the Winter Solstice by doing 108 rounds of Surya Namaskar with my local community here in Tofino. In eastern philosophy the number 108 is considered a number that represents a complete cycle and is the ultimate end of an event or phenomenon and so for this reason it is common to do 108 rounds of prayers on auspicious occasions....

Meditations on Subtlety & Spaciousness
This time of the year is characterized by the qualities of subtlety, lightness, dryness, and mobility and this morning I could feel each of these qualities so clearly. The dry frosty ground beneath my feet, the cold wind on my skin, the lightness of the tree branches looking so fragile without their leaves, and the subtlety of light and morning mist that lends mystery to this season. It is beautiful for sure and lends itself to the more subtle practices such as reflection, inquiry and deep meditation. You may find that you are more naturally drawn to these practices or that those of you who have established meditation practices can go deeper more readily....

Community Fun and December News
The weather has been gorgeous here in Tofino as we switch into December and already the festive season has begun...

October Reflections & Halloween Recipes
Happy Hallow's Eve! Halloween has always thrilled me and though…

Autumn Harvest
It is a precious and sacred time of year and hope that each of you are able to find some space and time to enjoy it amidst the busyness of the back to school routine or any other seasonal shifts that occur in your communities. I wish you all the best as you make your own transitions from the fullness of spring and summer into the stillness and sweetness of autumn and winter.

The Joys of Home Practice
Fact: Life has less ease and connection when I don't make time to practice.