Tag Archive for: Slowing Down

Why Do Yogis Cleanse?
If you do yoga long enough you will notice that you start to make different choices. You may start to gradually lose your desire for foods that make you feel heavy and dull, you may lose interest in relationships that don’t uplift you, and you may find yourself craving simplicity over excess.....

Ayurvedic Seasonal Wisdom for Summer
The summer season is one of abundance and beauty. It is a joyful time of increased light and warmth, and it's nature is generous, and extroverted, compared to the chill, dry seasons of fall and winter. It is a time to delight in the colors, and smells, and flavors offered up from the Earth, and to gather with friends and family to play outdoors and savor the long evenings and lazy days....

Holy Nights
In the Christian traditions the period of time between Dec 24th and January 6th is known as the Holy Nights or the 12 Days of Christmas and is honored as a sacred time. For myself I feel that my own Holy Nights begin on the Winter Solstice and run right through to the Feast of Epiphany on January 6th....

Winter Wisdom Restorative Practice
Here is a very simple restorative practice from the handouts for my Seasonal Wisdom Workshop that is coming up this Sunday the 18th. This practice would be an ideal way to start a gentle winter day off or for ending a busy day when you get home from work....

Precious Impermanence
I am enjoying a day off today and I made a conscious decision to stay in my pajamas all day. I know that doesn't sound like a big deal since as a full time yoga teacher I spend most of my days in pajama-like clothing, but today I am wearing my comfiest pair of ratty old pants and a shirt I wouldn't wear anywhere else but at home.