Tag Archive for: Yoga
Self Care for Yoga Teachers: 6 Practices to Help You Stay Nourished & Inspired
Teaching is a giving profession. And for those of you who teach…
Summer Solstice Sadhana
The summer solstice marks the high point of the solar cycle of the year and offers us our longest day. Traditionally this day has been celebrated as a time of joyfulness and a recognition of the fertility and abundance of the earth. Though the solstice is not a recognized holiday for most of us, I have always found that the practice of sacred timekeeping, or of honouring the passage of time with simple ritual, deepens my connection to the natural world and offers me insight into my own changing experience.....
Moon Wisdom: Full Moon
Tonight the moon waxes to its most brilliant expression in the summer night sky, giving silvery adornment to the abundant beauty of this season. This is a time of purna or fullness, and represents a quality of perfection that is worthy of celebration. Just as the New Moon has a certain energetic pull on us, the Full Moon has a power that can support us in the most wonderful ways if we allow ourselves to attune to it....
Pancha Mahabhutas: The Five Great Elements of Life
Long before I became a student of yoga and Ayurveda I was fascinated by the elements of nature and inspired by the 5 elements systems used in many traditional systems of natural healing and spirituality. When I was younger I chose to spend a few years living off the grid (meaning no running water, no electricity!), and that time spent living in rhythm with nature has deeply informed my studies and my experience of the elements.....
The Freedom of Discipline
Yesterday afternoon I drove down the snowy road from Whistler…
Calm, Clear & Inspired: Detoxing in January
January is a great time to dream big, nourish desire, and vision the future. And if we then bring into being practices, rituals, routines, and relationships that take us in the direction of our dreams and visions than we will find that the habits and attitudes that are not nourishing us will generally fall away on their own.....
New Beginnings…
Like most people I know who have lived a few decades, or more, my life has always been marked by great change, tidal shifts and new beginnings, and as student of yoga, which is a path of constant refinement, I would be in trouble if I couldn’t swim in these waters with relative comfort. However that doesn’t mean that change is easy or that I don’t at times feel fear, discomfort, sadness, or confusion....
Kitchen Sadhana: Nourishing Your Soul Through Food Preparation
One of my favorite ways to ground and nourish myself is by spending time in my kitchen preparing food for my family. My first Ayurvedic teach Kimberly Loeb introduced me to the concept of Kitchen Sadhana, or conscious food preparation, as a genuine path of practice, and since then my time in the kitchen has become even more purposeful....
Cleansing Comfortably in January
To support you in making lifestyle shifts that will support your overall health and wellness in 2012 I’d like to offer the following tips on how to cleanse safely and comfortably in January. Keep in mind that seasonal cleansing is ideally done in Spring and Fall when nature supports us in eating lighter so January can be a challenging time to lighten up, especially if you live in a cold climate. These guidelines offer some very simple tools that can support you in releasing excess and up leveling your overall wellness though the next month...
Holy Nights
In the Christian traditions the period of time between Dec 24th and January 6th is known as the Holy Nights or the 12 Days of Christmas and is honored as a sacred time. For myself I feel that my own Holy Nights begin on the Winter Solstice and run right through to the Feast of Epiphany on January 6th....