Tag Archive for: Living Yoga

Moon Wisdom: New Moon
The new moon is when the night sky is dark and the light of the moon can’t be seen. It’s a time when the energy current is below the surface, and in comparison to the bright and vibrant energy of a full moon, the days around the new moon are quiet and contemplative in nature....

Practice With Me On Yogo.TV
I have been busy with Yoga Teacher Training and a full travel schedule so have not been as active on my blog. main.rotate.1However I did do an afternoon of filming with Yogo.TV earlier in February and so you can catch up with me there....

3 Unconscious Mistakes Yogis Make (And How To Stop Making Them)
I created a free 45 minute online workshop sharing some of the foundational tools of Ayurveda and how you can put them into use in your daily life to create greater health and wellness....

Why Do Yogis Cleanse?
If you do yoga long enough you will notice that you start to make different choices. You may start to gradually lose your desire for foods that make you feel heavy and dull, you may lose interest in relationships that don’t uplift you, and you may find yourself craving simplicity over excess.....

Giving Thanks (in no particular order)
New friends. Good conversation. Farmer's markets. Family dinners. Sleepy dogs. Full moons. Spring fevers. Remembering and forgetting. Pumpkin pies. Time alone......

Ayurvedic Seasonal Wisdom for Autumn
As the second full moon of August waxes towards the first new…

Gratitude: A Love Letter To The Tofino Yoga Community
After five days of moving and unpacking we are finally settled…

The Art of Slowing Down & Diving Deeply
The golden summer weather of yesterday has shifted to a cool breeze that is whispering through the trees of mysteries to come, and I feel a call to stillness that reminds me of slower seasons and quieter days.....

Ayurvedic Seasonal Wisdom for Summer
The summer season is one of abundance and beauty. It is a joyful time of increased light and warmth, and it's nature is generous, and extroverted, compared to the chill, dry seasons of fall and winter. It is a time to delight in the colors, and smells, and flavors offered up from the Earth, and to gather with friends and family to play outdoors and savor the long evenings and lazy days....

New Beginnings…
Like most people I know who have lived a few decades, or more, my life has always been marked by great change, tidal shifts and new beginnings, and as student of yoga, which is a path of constant refinement, I would be in trouble if I couldn’t swim in these waters with relative comfort. However that doesn’t mean that change is easy or that I don’t at times feel fear, discomfort, sadness, or confusion....