Tag Archive for: Anusara Yoga

New Beginnings…
Like most people I know who have lived a few decades, or more, my life has always been marked by great change, tidal shifts and new beginnings, and as student of yoga, which is a path of constant refinement, I would be in trouble if I couldn’t swim in these waters with relative comfort. However that doesn’t mean that change is easy or that I don’t at times feel fear, discomfort, sadness, or confusion....

Yoga Videos for Home Practice
While I haven't been writing much this past week I have been busy making some short videos for your home practice. I will do my best to add new videos each week and you can subscribe to my You Tube Channel to stay updated if you like.

The Joys of Home Practice
Fact: Life has less ease and connection when I don't make time to practice.

Creativity & Clarity
My business is an extension of my creative expression and is therefore an endlessly fascinating project. My business is the vehicle that allows me to share my passion for personal growth with others . My business is what allows me to engage in the conversations I love to have with people from all over the world that I might otherwise never get the chance to meet. My business is my art.